all of us are true natural born, "hopeful" romantics. However, who
among us does not enjoy a certain degree of romance in our primary relationships--some
more than others?
Yet, there are those who struggle
with the whole concept. It is not because they don't want to enjoy
it with their mates but has more to do with their never having understood
No relationships-themed resource
would be complete without some helpful insights regarding the subject of
May the information and tips
on these pages either add a new dimension to the love you share with your
special someone or enhance what is already enjoyed between the two of you.
Kisses Ideas
great ideas to help you create some special romantic moments for you and
your sweetheart. |
Notes Workshop
Vincent conducts a free online seminar on how to write
effective love notes that will let your beloved know how special he/she
is to you. |
Poetry Workshop
The webmaster conducts yet another free online seminar
to provide you with all the basics needed to compose an original poem for
your beloved. |
Facts for Romantics
Did you know that kissing is healthier than shaking hands?
This page of odd facts will bring a smile and perhaps even a laugh or two. |
to a Romantic
If you are in a relationship with a true romantic, you
might be overwhelmed by their attention and all those crazy things they
do to affirm their love. Your survival may depend upon knowing the
information provided in this article. |
the romantic adventures of Vincent & Kira D'Angelo, our Romanceopedia.com
couple, who always manage to come up with a new twist that serves as a
prelude for intimacy. |
Dinner Date ideas
to impress that special someone with romantic date ideas that are sure
to please? |
There are four soulmate types. Knowing the specific
characteristics of each one will not only help you identify your own type,
but also provide you with needed insights regarding the one you love best. |
roMANtic Syndicated Column
Webb, author of "The roMANtic Guide," shares yet another of his monthly
articles with our visitors. |
Greatest Romantic of All Time
an example to all men when it comes to the fine art of pursuing the female
of the species. |
Religious to be Romantic
Experiencing a life-changing religious conversion is a
wonderful thing but one should consider the impact it might have on a romantic
relationship. |
Story of the Rose
parents were two of the most romantic people I have ever known. Yet,
even in death their love could not be diminished...not ever! |
Cuddling & a Movie
3,000 visitors to this site have responded to the Romance poll. Check
out the choice that most gave as their favorite romantic moment. |
Page Directory
of Little Kisses Ideas
your idea for a romantic interlude. See it published on this page. |
Love Seat Chat Room
with others in our chat room featuring quick response times, private chats,
and no sign up forms. |
Proposal Suggestions
reading about novel and unique marriage proposals contributed by our visitors. |
webmaster takes on controversial facets of coupled relationships and shares
his candid views on the subjects of life, love, and lovers. Send
him your response. |
Says - She Says
takes up for the guys, while "D" of Mama's Secrets presents the alternate
view from the gals. Read both viewpoints and then vote to let them
know who is right and who is wrong. |
Dating Stories
accounts of Internet dating experiences from those who have found someone
via the net. |
Do You Show Your Affection?
to this site share their many and varied ways of showing affection to their
special someones. You can share your ideas, too. |
your turn to be the professional counselor as you help our troubled couple
make their way through the difficult challenges of married life. |
Love & Romance E-greeting Card Resources
directory of over 50 of the best e-card sites for romantics including 3
custom designed sites by Vincent. Bookmark this page. |
& Buttons
a Site
for Our Award
The mission of this not-for-profit website is to promote clear insights
and toleration regarding the many variations of primary relationships that
exist in our world. We ask for neither acceptance or approval but
hope that each visitor who reviews the pages of this site will leave them
with a better understanding of the numerous cultural, historical, preferential,
religious, sexual, and sociological approaches to coupling that have always
existed and will continue to exist as long as there are at least two human
beings living on this planet. If the effort put into creating and
maintaining this site results in others coming to the realization that
the basic human need to love and be loved takes on many forms which are
accepted by those who practice them, whether right or wrong as determined
by the personal belief system of others, then it will have served it's
purpose well. |